I have been to several private and Mission hospitals and they are struggling to break even for lack of both in patients and out patients. One popular hospital that has bed capacity of 120 and has always had 100 plus at any given time has been having in patients fluctuating between 10 to 20 since March. Out patients were between 400 to 500 daily but now even getting 50 is a miracle.
On Thursday i sat down with a GP and I asked him to explain to me what is really happening to the sick.His reply was blunt and surprising.He told me most illnesses are driven by entertainment industry. Bars and restaurants.
That is where illnesses emanate from Cholera, Typhoid, Amoeba, food poisoning and myriad others are mostly from unhygienic hotels. Accidents, Robberies, Syphillis, Gonorhea, HIV, Herpes etc start after bars.
Many Level 4 hospitals had wards for bodaboda accident victims. Lack of money, Alcohol and Curfew has made consumption of it plummet and consequently the accidents.
Those wards are almost empty.The rest,that are lifestyle illnesses e.g Diabetes and Hypertension can be managed at home and only severe cases need hospitalization.
Health industry is reliant on entertainment industry. As long as entertainment is muzzled, health will continue suffering massive loses. Actually some hospitals are laying off COs, Nurses and Doctors. A strange phenomenon. And that is where the Tragi-comedy starts.in