Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko was badly tortured and urgently needs medication, his lawyer has said.
Harrison Kinyanjui has also called for the arrest of a police officer captured in camera beating and mishandling the governor.
“It is embarrassing that this happened to our beloved governor who now urgently needs medication because of the inhumane way he was treated by rogue police officers in Voi,” Kinyanjui said.
The lawyer says the police officers defied cries from the governor who despite traveling to Mombasa to attend an official function, also needed to get medication before noon as per his doctor’s instructions.
“Apart from injuring him mercilessly, the governor was also denied a chance to take his medication and the health situation is worsening,” Kinyanjui said.
Sonko was arrested on Friday in Voi on his way to Mombasa to officially close a workshop by part of his county staff.
According to Kinyanjui, it was wrong for the police to treat him as someone running away yet he was in the company of bodyguards with his phone on.
“You can’t be hiding or running away if you have government-designated bodyguards with you and your phone on. The governor was on a normal daily mission,” the lawyer said.
Meanwhile, the governor has urged his supporters to remain calm and allow him deal with the current challenge he is undergoing.
Sonko, who now walks with a limp after he sustained injuries during the acrimonious arrest, has called on his supporters to remain calm.
According to Kinyanjui, the governor has urged his supporters to drop any plans to have thousands of people accompany him to court on Monday.
“He is courageous and confident and has warned against any drama. We are steadfast and on top of things. So let’s wait,” said Kinyanjui.
The governor has promised to dismantle the allegations and lies levelled against him by EACC with hard hitting facts.
He has also vowed to ensure that justice is served in a land grabbing case involving EACC officials.
The matter is before the court with the first hearing slated for Monday.